Saturday, March 3, 2012

Episode Twenty Six: Street Fighteropoly

This week on the Electric Information Show, Joe and Touya are joined by Benji again for his 7th/28th birthday. Why 7th/28th, because leap year that's why. Touya brings us reviews of Dear Esther for PC and Alan Wake's American Nightmare for Xbox360. Whereas Joe reviews the Mass Effect 3 demo for PC. We then finish up the episode with the controversy surrounding the Cross Assault web show.

Kacho On!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Electric Information Show episode Twenty Five: Prentious Listocracy: Heroes

Download it here.
It's our 25th episode, and that means it's time for another Pretentious Listocracy. This week Joe and Touya are talking about their "Top 10 Video Game Heroes". Will your favorite hero make the list or will we have unjustly snubbed them? Also for it being our 25th episode we take some time out to thank you, our fans. So here's to hopefully 25 more episodes and beyond.

Now where's my adventure hat?

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Episode Twenty Four: F-yEAh!

Download it here.

It's an all new episode of The Electric Information Show! This time our old buddy Benjimatic (not to be confused with Benji Warlick) joins Joe Convoy and Touya for some general dickery. Topics in this episode include Steam vs EA's Origin service, Star Trek based games, The Guinness book of world records list of the "top 50 game endings", and get our thoughts on Call of Duty MW3. All this and Joe Convoy forgetting that he doesn't have a sign off line.

The headset is down!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Episode Twenty Three: And Now Back to our show...

Finally...... The Info show has come back! To the Interwebs.... Yes folks for better or worse the Electric Information Show is back, with an all new format for 2012! From here on out this is a podcast about video games and only video games. This week Touya and Joe are joined by their old pal Benji Warlick from Bulltoid to discuss a variety of topics. Such as: Arcade beat-em-ups, The new Armored Core 5 trailer, Mass Effect 3, and a lot more! So sit back and enjoy the all-new Electric Information Show!

And yes that is Phoenix Wright TP.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Friday, January 6, 2012

Episode Twenty Two: 2011 Award Meh-tactular!

Download it here!

2011 is finally over! So naturally like every other podcast we have to do an end of the year award show. (Seriously, it's like a law or something) So sit back and enjoy as Joe Convoy and Touya take a look back and decide for you what actually mattered in the year 2011. Will your favorite Game or Movie win something? Will Joe and Touya's friendship survive the awards, as well as the Info Show itself? Well.... Download the episode and find out already!

At least it's still better than spike's VGA'S.