Sunday, November 27, 2011

Episode Twenty: Listocracy: Pretentious 5

We talk TV, Do you Talk TV? It's Episode 20 of The Electric Info show, and that means Listocracy time again, This week Touya and Joe list off their 10 favorite TV shows and then some, and in the process discover that each of them hold their own dark TV watching secrets...

It Stinks!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Episode Nineteen: My Chemical Plant Zone

When I was a young hedgehog, my podcast took me into the city escape to see a round Eggman. It said "Sonic when you grow up, would you be the game called Sonic Generations, this podcast be damned." Join Joe and Touya and special guest MegaMoc to talk about the new game, the old games and the zones that should have made it in our Sonic Generations spectacular.