Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Episode Eight: Broken French

It's another episode of the Electric information show. This week Joe Convoy and Touya are joined in their (mostly) lifeless black void by Tweezy whom you may remember from episode 3, and Pyrostrata one of Joe's former fellow Seibertron Twincast members, also she's our first guest with like boobs and stuff. Anywho our topics this week range from a "healthy" debate about the new and previous Transformers films, to the new Sonic Generations demo, and more Duke Nukem Forever bashing and who doesn't love that right? Also Joe makes even more Portal jokes (*-_-).

The cake is a lie.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Episode Seven: The Law of Dibs

It's another week of just Touya and Joe alone in that featureless room. Like a bad episode of Family Guy, they're forced to talk about E3 runoff, the cryptic mid-season finale of South Park and also to become the five billionth podcast in the world to talk about just how much playing Duke Nukem Forever hurts physically. All this and slightly much more, on this episode of the Electric Information Show.

You don't really read any further than that last line, do you?

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Episode Six: That's What E3 Said

With E3 done and dusted for 2011, Touya and Joe get locked in a room together and are forced to share their differing views on the best of the show. Did you hear that sarcastic, sadistic robotic female voice? Weird. Will Touya's Kinect-enabled Halo future dominate or will it be Joe's Wii U Zelda fantasy world? Tune in to find out, but whoever wins, Sony loses.


Monday, June 6, 2011

Episode Five: "Listocracy 2: Pretentious Harder"

This week, the boys bring it back to the list format with a discussion of their top five favorite movies of all time. Joining in the conversation are Bazz of "Shh! We're Watching a Movie" and our very ownShawn "Cybertron Ax" Smith. You may just learn something about cinema history. Or you may just marvel at Joe's choice of number one movie. Seriously? Seriously.