Saturday, December 17, 2011

Episode Twenty One: WHAT?!

It's our Pay Per View special! Well, maybe our Pay Nothing Listen Not Very Special. This week, the boys talk Wrestling with good friends Benjematic and show newcomer, Jamie. Watch as Touya sits quietly in a corner and has no idea what anybody's talking about as the others go over the history of the art of Professional Wrestling and where the major players look to go in the coming months. Don't get counted out of this one!

Woo Woo Woo, you know it!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Episode Twenty: Listocracy: Pretentious 5

We talk TV, Do you Talk TV? It's Episode 20 of The Electric Info show, and that means Listocracy time again, This week Touya and Joe list off their 10 favorite TV shows and then some, and in the process discover that each of them hold their own dark TV watching secrets...

It Stinks!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Episode Nineteen: My Chemical Plant Zone

When I was a young hedgehog, my podcast took me into the city escape to see a round Eggman. It said "Sonic when you grow up, would you be the game called Sonic Generations, this podcast be damned." Join Joe and Touya and special guest MegaMoc to talk about the new game, the old games and the zones that should have made it in our Sonic Generations spectacular.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Episode Eighteen: The Electric Henshin Show: MEGAMAX

COME ON, SWITCH ON! This week, Joe and Touya are joined by TimeLord from The NerdSphere Network and special guest, Touya's Niece, to talk about all things Kamen Rider Fourze related. How does the new show stack up against the fantastic Kamen Rider OOO? Also, tons of Kamen Rider Trivia from TimeLord himself! Join the conversation, you may just learn something about Japanese actors in rubber costumes that you didn't know before.


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Episode Seventeen: "Botch Cara"

Welcome to Episode Seventeen. Take your shoes off, stay a while. This week, Joe, Touya and Benjematic put their feet up, crack open a few cold ones and jaw a bit about pop culture in general. Join us for discussion about XMen Schism, Video games, being old fogeys and something called "Sin Cara" that Touya isn't familiar with, but is pretty sure it'll go away with antibiotics and bed rest.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Episode Sixteen: Awesometober

October is the tenth month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian Calendars and one of seven months with a length of 31 days. The eighth month in the old Roman calendar, October retained its name (from the Latin "octo" meaning "eight") after January and February were inserted into the calendar that had originally been created by the Romans.
But none of that crap matters because AWESOME STUFF COMES OUT IN OCTOBER. So join Touya and Joe as they discuss all the things- ALL. THE. THINGS.- coming down your entertainment pipeline this month.

Sic vos teneo Latin. Magnus paciscor.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Episode Fifteen: "Listocracy 4: This time it's pretentious"

Has it been five more episodes already? Criminy! Criminy? Criminy! I guess that means it's time for a Listocracy again! This week, join Joe and Touya as they discuss their top ten most underrated videogames of all time. Laughs will be had, tears will be shed and a surprise entry makes both lists midway through the show in one of the most ambivalent displays of serendipity to ever instigate the minds of .... hey! Come back here with my goddamn thesaurus!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Episode Fourteen: "SPAAAAAAAAAAACE!"

What starts off as a simple show about the Star Wars Blu-Ray release gets co-opted into a discussion about the Star Trek 45th Anniversary! What's it like when two very different worlds of nerdery collide? Find out as we draft into this discussion one Mr. Randy Pence of Geek World Order and Benje Warlick of Bulltoid. One thing's for certain, no matter who wins, the liscening rights will be astronomical.

Set lightsabers to stun

Monday, September 5, 2011

Episode Thirteen: The Electric Henshin Show

Count za medals! How many podcasts can OOO use this time? No idea what we're talking about? Good! Come on in to the Cous Coussier Cafe, put your feet up and let us educate you about the best series out of Japan that you've never heard of. Joe, Touya and returning guest Shawn "CybertronAx" Smith take us down memory lane of the recently completed Kamen Rider OOO series. Henshin!

Ta to ba, tatoba, ta to ba

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Episode Twelve: Half French, Half Nintendo

This week, Joe and Touya hobnob with The Cinema Snob. Brad Jones leads a conversation about cheap, schlocky movies ,MST3K and bodily injuries sustained during the filming of Kickassia. Have a seat, grab some popcorn and prepare to listen to us talk about some movies that, if found in your collection, could ruin you socially for the rest of your life.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Episode 11: Free Daigo! with Doughnuts!

It's time again for another Electric info show. This time Joe and Touya are joined again by FalconReaper of the Bulltoid podcast. Our topics this week range from the fantastic EVO 2011 tournament, where we saw one of the best players ever get OWNED! Also Touya becomes a grumpy old curmudgeon about Comic-con 2011.

We still believe in Mike Ross.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Episode Ten: Pretentious Listocracy 3: Third Strike

It's Third Strike now, come on and make your first move, it's our ten favorite songs from videogames. Yeah. I got the picture. Joe and Touya count them down and you get to listen. Yeah. I been waiting for this. Fighters ready? ENGAGE.

Pip Pip Cheerio,

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Episode Nine: Electric Info Show X Bulltoid!

Are you ready true believers? Electric info show and Bulltoid have joined forces once again to bring you...



Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Episode Eight: Broken French

It's another episode of the Electric information show. This week Joe Convoy and Touya are joined in their (mostly) lifeless black void by Tweezy whom you may remember from episode 3, and Pyrostrata one of Joe's former fellow Seibertron Twincast members, also she's our first guest with like boobs and stuff. Anywho our topics this week range from a "healthy" debate about the new and previous Transformers films, to the new Sonic Generations demo, and more Duke Nukem Forever bashing and who doesn't love that right? Also Joe makes even more Portal jokes (*-_-).

The cake is a lie.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Episode Seven: The Law of Dibs

It's another week of just Touya and Joe alone in that featureless room. Like a bad episode of Family Guy, they're forced to talk about E3 runoff, the cryptic mid-season finale of South Park and also to become the five billionth podcast in the world to talk about just how much playing Duke Nukem Forever hurts physically. All this and slightly much more, on this episode of the Electric Information Show.

You don't really read any further than that last line, do you?

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Episode Six: That's What E3 Said

With E3 done and dusted for 2011, Touya and Joe get locked in a room together and are forced to share their differing views on the best of the show. Did you hear that sarcastic, sadistic robotic female voice? Weird. Will Touya's Kinect-enabled Halo future dominate or will it be Joe's Wii U Zelda fantasy world? Tune in to find out, but whoever wins, Sony loses.


Monday, June 6, 2011

Episode Five: "Listocracy 2: Pretentious Harder"

This week, the boys bring it back to the list format with a discussion of their top five favorite movies of all time. Joining in the conversation are Bazz of "Shh! We're Watching a Movie" and our very ownShawn "Cybertron Ax" Smith. You may just learn something about cinema history. Or you may just marvel at Joe's choice of number one movie. Seriously? Seriously.


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Episode Four: Grand Theft Vampire

It's a tabletop discussion with some videogaming thrown in. Aaron of the Lost World and Dave "YouAreReading" make this a very random episode with very random things happening from a serious discussion of Dungeons and Dragons mechanics to lighthearted banter about nothing in particular. Stop, drop and roll some dice on this episode and remember to leave us some feedback at

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Episode Three: "Unlucky Devilish Talismans"

So like, how was your weekend, man? Did you do anything special? Spend time with the family, play some videogames, watch some movies, get Raptured? No, huh? Us neither. So we sat around and complained about the world not coming to an end and recorded it so you could listen to it. Join Touya and Joe along with special guests Aaron, Shadowman and Tweezy as we discuss armageddon, breakfast treats, Hitman video games and the late, great Randy Savage. All this and so much less on the Electric Information Show!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Modern Warfare 3 trailer released, Activision getting ready to print money

Just a heads up that Modern Warfare 3 has posted this reveal trailer today. Be aware that we may be getting some interview time with some insiders on this future surefire hit!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Episode Two: Pretentious Listocracy

This week, Touya and Joe put on their toppiest top hats and mono-y-est monocles and sip tea with FalconReaper and Benjamatic. They discuss their top five favorite videogames of all time and why the hell FalconReaper hasn't finished Portal 2 yet. Much debate was had and much hearty laughter was laughed. Pip pip. Cheerio. All that rot.

Remember to send us feedback at

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Episode One: Meat Brownies

It's the first episode of the Electric Information Show and we start things of with some bona fide star power! We invite Linkara of That Guy with The Glasses / Channel Awesome and TJ Omega of TJ TV to talk about video games, comics, movies and TV shows in a conversation which then devolves into toy collecting, insulting Barry Allen fans and, of course, meat brownies.

Remember to send us feedback at